This is a case study of using motion amplification® (MA) technology to analyze vibration data of a small hydroturbine-generator set installed in a rural area of Thailand. Generator capacity is about 100 kW which is enough power for a village. The machine train consists of cross flow hydro turbine, speed reduction gearbox, flywheel (to compensate inertia), and a generator. Customer reported excessive vibration amplitudes at bearing housing of flywheel and generator since commissioning. Conventional vibration analysis with portable data collector was used to attempt to identify possible root causes without success as remedy actions taken.
Customer purchased Iris M and MX set early this year but user training could not be conducted due to COVID pandemic. However, getting started guide and short introduction was given when delivered the package to the users. A short call was then made again between our services team and customer prior they go to site and collect data of this machine. Video was successfully recoded and the results proved that they know how to collect high quality video for vibration analysis and machine condition assessment. This technology is easy to learn with minimum training required. Software from RDI Technologies is very user friendly and powerful. A full basic MA was then conducted for them early this month. A dedicated engineer took the exam and he is now certified Level I MA user. The technology and tools will then be fully utilized in identifying and solving their machines and structures problems, hence, reliability improvement can be expected. We are very exciting to see more successful case study from them in the near future. Cheers!
Notes: Motion Amplification®, Iris M®, and Iris MX® are trademarks of RDI Technologies, USA.